The Southeast's Largest Childrens Consignment Sales

Outdoor Toys

Item Small Size Standard Size Mega Size Notes
Cozy Coupe Cars   $15-30   Price based on style, age of item and condition of item (is the color faded?).
Wagons $10-15 $15-25 $25-35 Price based on style, age of item and condition of item (is the color faded?).
Tricycles $5-7 $7-15   Price based on style, brand and condition of item.
Bikes $10-20 Smaller $20-30 Medium

$30-50 Larger/Adult

The price of the bike depends on the size. We suggest doing an online search and following the rule of thumb guideline for your bike.
Scooters   $8-12 Regular $25-35 Motorized  
Powered Vehicles $20-40 $40-65 $65-100 Be sure to include batteries and charger with the item. Consider the uniqueness of the items as well as how new it is when pricing.
Single Plastic Slides $10-15 $15-25 $25-35 Price based on style, size and condition of item (is the color faded?).
Plastic Play Sets $30-50 $50-80 $80-100 Price based on style, size and condition of item (is the color faded?).
Sandboxes $10-15 $15-25 $25-35 Price based on style, age of item and condition of item (is the color faded?).


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Everything was so first class…very impressive. What a great plan you have had, and you have pulled it off in unbelievable fashion. Thanks again. -Trish M.