

Getting Paid

A blue shopping bag with the word shop written on it.

Shirt purchased from TTT. Courtesy of Zac Robinson Photography

Pick Your Check Up or We’ll Mail It!

TTT generally has checks ready for sellers when they pick up their unsold merchandise.  Check status will be emailed to sellers prior to pick up day. Sellers who choose not to pick up their unsold items will receive their check via mail. If there are any accounts with questions, those checks will also be mailed.  Addresses on file when registering are used for mailing purposes. Please contact us if you need to change your address after the system shuts down. If there is a discrepancy in your account that requires research or information from you, please note that it can delay your check from being available on pick up day, and those checks will be mailed when the inquiry has been completed.

I was very impressed with the layout and the volunteers. They were very helpful and very organized.
- Tara E.