Worker Duties & Tasks

Clothes from TTT. Photo by Shannon Johnson Photography
TTT has a team of wonderful helpers and we would love for you to join us. Helping at our event allows you to shop BEFORE we open to the public. The more hours you help, the earlier you shop and you can keep a higher percentage of your sales by helping 2 hours or more! Below you will find a list of duties and tasks that we need help with each season.
To sign up, click your sale’s location at the top of the page, then click work.
Rack Set Up
We need a team of muscles to assist the Guy’s team in unloading our truck, and setting up racks. Anyone can work this position that is able to lift and carry 50 pounds. We use a forklift and operator who unload most of the heavy equipment. This position is filled by submitting a request to TTT.
Rack Break Down
We need a team of muscles to assist the Guy’s team in breaking down the racks and loading them onto our truck after the event closes. Anyone can work this position that is able to lift and carry 50 pounds. This position is filled by submitting a request to TTT.
Inspectors check seller’s items when they drop off. We are very attentive to the quality of merchandise on our sales floor. We want inspectors who can follow our quality control guidelines, have a picky eye for quality, and the authority to return rejected items in a friendly manner back to the consignor. This position is filled by submitting a request to TTT.
Floor Director
Floor Directors are stationed in sections of the sales floor during Drop Off Days; They organize and merchandise their section. When a consignor has gone through inspection, they will be directed to the sales floor where the Floor Directors assist them by placing designated merchandise in the correct locations.
Door Security & Loader
Door monitors collect pre-sale passes, inspect large outgoing items for paid tags, help customers load their vehicle, and other misc. tasks needed at the front. This position is filled by submitting a request to TTT.
Baggers assist cashiers during checkout. Baggers are responsible for counting the number of items the customer is buying, verifying scans cashier makes on screen, and bagging items for customers. Baggers are NOT authorized to operate the cash register or checkout screen.
Cashiers are in charge of correctly scanning tags and collecting funds from the customer using our simple computer system. Each cashier is signed in to an appointed register. This position is filled by submitting a request to TTT. Position is filled by invitation or returning cashiers ONLY.
Floor Monitor
Floor Monitors re-organize and condense the sales floor as items are purchased, maintain the clothing racks, return items back to the sales floor when needed, place items in our holding area for customers while they shop, and replenish shopping bags. Floor monitors also patrol the floor to observe customers, offer shopping bags, and provide assistance. This is a stay busy task with a good bit of walking and moving around.
Holding Area Monitor
Items such as strollers, car seats, big toys, furniture, etc are placed in a holding area while customers shop. Holding Area Monitors are in charge of keeping the holding area organized and in alphabetical order. Once the customer is ready to check out, the Holding Area Monitor retrieves those items for the cashier. This is a busy task with lifting involved.
Sorters organize leftover items back to seller ID# after the event closes in preparation for pick up day. Sort days have a variety of tasks from condensing and clearing tables, sub sorting, and final sorting. This is a busy task that involves carrying, walking, and reading fine print. This task is great if you don’t want to deal with customers/public, and like working by yourself or with your ear buds!