First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Mobile Number* (We will send a text invite to the App so you can access the self-scheduler)
Are you Selling with TTT this season?*
Have you previously sold with TTT?
If you have a seller number, list it here.
How Many Hours would you like to work? Please specify if you would like 4, 8, 15, 20, or another amount of hours.
Are you interested in any EXTRA hours for PAY?
Have you previously worked at a TTT event?
Please list the amount of break time you want built in for your shifts. If no break, list N/A*
Are you splitting hours with anyone? If yes, list their first/last name, relation to you, mobile #, email, and shift preferences. WE WILL NEED THIS INFO TO SCHEDULE THEM AND CREATE THEIR TIME CARD.
Additional Comments
I have read and agree to the Worker Terms and Conditions (see link below)*.
View Worker Terms and Conditions
GA International Horse Park
1996 Centennial Olympic Parkway
Conyers, GA 30013
The Multi-Purpose Building