
Preparing Items

  • Watch the video tutorials below to hang, secure, and tag items for acceptance

    A blue shopping bag with the word shop written on it.

    Dress purchased from TTT

  • No items w/ stains, holes, piling, fading, broken zippers/snaps, missing buttons, etc
  • Check items for recalls.  It is against the law to sell a recalled item, and your signed waiver lets TTT know you have screened them.  Contact the manufacturer directly or the CPSC.
  • Wipe or wash dirt from equipment, outdoor and toys, etc
  • Press wrinkled garments.
  • Lint roll items with pet hair.
  • Button buttons, snap snaps, and zip zippers.
  • Make sure items are in style/in season for this event.
  • Smokers, Febreeze and air out garments after washing.  If your items smell of smoke, they may not be accepted.
  • Remove second hand price tags from yard sales or thrift stores, as they devalue your items and make them look unprofessional. Retail price tags, however,  are GREAT to leave on. They will increase the value of your items, showing that they are still new.

Supplies You’ll Need

  • Safety Pins (or Tagging gun is optional)
  • Hangers
  • Card Stock Paper
  • Packing Tape
  • Baggies
  • Zip Ties

Video Tutorials


Clothing Tutorials:



Clothing Sets




Misc Tutorials:

Large Toys & Expensive Items

Small Toys

Soft Infant Accessories: (Bibs, Burp Cloths, etc)

DVDS & Video Games

Plush Chairs & Rugs



Board Games

Equipment & Furniture

Baby Gyms, Grocery Cart Covers, Slings, etc. Use this example for Diaper Bags, and Overnight Bags as well.

Tag Tutorials:

How to Attach Tags

Tag Descriptions

System Tutorials:

Logging into Consignor Homepage

Viewing Your Sold Items Report

Working with Inactive Inventory

Transferring Inventory

7 Tips Every Consignor Should Know

A blue shopping bag with the word shop written on it.

Dress purchased from TTT

1. Go through closets, drawers, the toy room, garage, shed, basement, etc.

2. Clean out the items you know YOU want to sell FIRST. Sentimental items can be placed in a bin, stored out of the way, and revisited once or twice a year for selling consideration.

3. Create a Sell, Keep, Maybe, Donate, & Trash pile. Sort into bags or bins to contain sanity! Try to do this when the kids are not home. You can further separate and store bins by season labeling them “Fall Sale” or “Spring Sale”.

4. Pre-inspect your items as you sort. Missing/broken pieces = trash/donate. Stained items = laundry/donate. Faded or out of style items = donate. Scuffed shoes = donate.

A blue shopping bag with the word shop written on it.

Outfit purchased from TTT

5. Ensure battery operated items work and are not corroded. Large items need to have batteries to sell. It is a good idea to have batteries (cheap ones from the dollar store are fine) in all your items so that customers are confident in purchasing your items.

6. Once everything is organized, ask your CHILD if there is anything THEY would like to sell.  Since you already organized sale items, there won’t be struggles departing from items they give YOU permission to sell.

7. Offering kids incentives is a good way to train them about good organizational and de-cluttering habits. Offer that they get to keep the sales from their toys for their bank account while the money they earn from their clothes will go towards buying them new clothes, etc.

Still Unsure How to Prep Something?
We’ll Help! Ask Your Drop Off Inspector.

Tykes, Tots & Teens LLC reserves the right to pull anything we find unsuitable or overpriced off the sales floor at any time.  Tykes, Tots & Teens LLC, it’s members, workers, volunteers, hosts or affiliates are not responsible for items lost, damaged, stolen, or affected by an act of God.  Secure your items!  TTT reserves the right to reject items that are extremely overpriced.   Items priced at full retail value or OVER retail value will be rejected.  Please follow our pricing guide to ensure that your experience is successful and to help maintain TTT’s reputation for great selection at great prices.  Overpriced sellers may be prohibited from participating in future sales.

I get more impressed each year with how helpful and organized this sale is.
- Elise A.