Dollar Dash Info For Sellers

TTT Seller & Family. Children’s clothes purchased from TTT.
Q: Which of my items are eligible for Dollar Dash?
A: Items marked for Donate are eligible for Dollar Dash if they have not already sold by the last part of our Discount Day. No other items will be eligible for Dollar Dash.
Q: How does this benefit me as a consignor?
A: Dollar Dash is meant to implement another surge of excitement among the public, creating another burst of customers coming to shop for last minute deals. Since customers have the option to buy regular price and discounted items during this time, you have the potential to sell a lot more than just your items marked for donate! This is your last chance to make that extra dollar on that item since it hasn’t sold already.
Q: How do I know which of my items sell during Dollar Dash?
A: Sales are uploaded nightly by TTT so you can monitor your items that have sold thus far. After Dollar Dash is over, we will upload sales again so you can see an updated listing of your sales. You will be able to view which item numbers sold for $1.00 during Dollar Dash.