
Reminders & Updates For Spring 2025

  • Remember to choose a DROP OFF APPOINTMENT based on your status of Mega Load, Large Load, or Regular Load. We also have optional special reserved times for express pass holders. Click here for more details. 
  • Seller Participation fee has increased from $20 to $25. The seller participation fee is deducted from your check and helps to cover a percentage of the building rental and facility fees for the show.
  • Workers please check the updated worker chart on our site for updated percentages.

How To Consign


Want to Participate in BOTH Locations?

If you want to participate in both locations, contact us to have the same consignor number for both sales. You will be able to transfer your tags between locations.

Seller Newsletters

Will be sent out pertaining to upcoming events. Please be sure to check your text and email notifications when these are sent out. We do not generally email or text in the off season. 


New Sellers

I love how you have everything so organized!
- Jessica B.